Six months after my last day of work, I'm taking stock. Here's what I know today:
1. My body is no longer 30. It's no longer even 60. The aches and pains I used to hear about from older people are part of my own life now. Some things are just a natural part of aging. But some can be changed. It's up to me to get the exercise, the strength training and the conditioning I need to maintain my body - even in the winter - so that I can do the other things I have in mind to do. I could choose to be sedentary. That's easier in the short term, much harder over the long haul. So I've recommitted to exercise. And also to being watchful of what I eat. Every extra pound is a stressor on my achy back.
2. I used to be quite competitive. I still am when playing Boggle with friends, but not so much in other areas. This is a good thing. I might not even be a Type-A personality any more. I might not even be a Myers-Briggs Extrovert-Sensing-Thinking-Judging any more. I'm not even going to take the test again to find out. It doesn't matter.
3. I can make goals, but they don't have to be cast in stone. No one is going to give me a performance evaluation on how I spend my time these days. How wonderful!
4. Dark winter is not a good time for me. If I have gloomy thoughts, I need to turn on my light box and remain aware that the gloomy thoughts go with the winter territory. And I am responsible for getting away from the darkness. Lots of places have bright light - either snowy places like Idaho, where we were two weeks ago, or sunny places like Puerto Vallarta, where we're going on Saturday. I am not a victim of the climate unless I choose to be.
5. If someone seems very cranky to me, I need to listen or give them space, and consider that I may be doing something to aggravate their crankiness - like trying to manage or organize them. Sometimes the best thing to say - or do - is nothing at all. For me, that's much easier said than done.
6. I love having grandchildren, and I'm a good grandma. But I'm fine seeing them only from time to time, rather than all the time. I haven't got as much energy as I did when I was raising my own kids. They are tiring little bunch - especially since my preference is to have them visit without their parents.
7. There may be such a thing as too much travel, but new trip ideas come up constantly for me. I should probably be more realistic. Not quite yet, though.
8. I am a little weirded out by our retirement budget. This year we'll have no income from work. The spreadsheets say we're okay, but you never know. The Bag Lady within me is alive and well this week. She may be posting a few of my blogs this month.
9. I get most of my news online. I've decided for this year I'm not going to read the comments people type in under the news stories. They're just too hateful and negative.
10. I see fellow bloggers writing on matters of substance. I'm going to consider being more substantive myself from time to time.
I've been reading about "one word" describing intentions for this new year. Mine, I decided yesterday, is "release". As in releasing expectations, releasing habits, releasing opinions. I've been risk averse most of my life. That means playing it very, very safe. I think I'd like to loosen that up a bit this year. I probably won't skydive, but maybe I'll take a road trip where I don't have every motel booked before we start off. That would be a beginning, at least.