Saturday, December 24, 2011

The day before

Christmas Eve Day is my favorite time. The morning is a rush, the afternoon slows down, and the evening is peaceful and still.

No matter what happens tomorrow, we have today.

Blessings to you and yours.


Teresa Evangeline said...

And to you and yours, too, Linda. Have a beautiful evening.

turquoisemoon said...

You are so right! The rush is over and it is slowing down. I'm done with my food prep for tomorrow and ready to sit down for awhile. Merry Christmas!!!

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

It's getting to be that way for me, too. Used to be up half the night wrapping gifts, etc. We have simplified, and it is soooo good. All the best to you and yours.

#1Nana said...

I'm cleaning up the mess in my kitchen from the baking frenzy. I keep find blobs of frosting. This afternoon we will kick back andwatch movies on our new TV. No stockings to hang or gifts to wrap. Life is good! Feliz Navidad!

Rita said...

I think the relaxing afterwards makes it all worth it. Looking back over another holiday with family...marking off another year. :):)
Have a great day tomorrow!

Sandi said...

Exactly my thoughts. I still have the kitchen to finish cleaning up, but mostly done. It's time to relax and enjoy my family!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Blessings to you,too, Linda. I hope both your evening and your day tomorrow are wonderful!

Linda Hoye said...

Yes! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

MyMaracas said...

Merry Christmas, Linda, to you and yours!

I spent the day in the kitchen, and I still have gifts to wrap. Every year I say we'll simplify, and by Christmas Eve that whole idea is just so over. LOL

June said...

Merry Christmas!

Out on the prairie said...

A lovely holiday here, it was 44 yesterday.

Russell said...

Stop by and wish Johanna Happy Birthday - Tuesday, December 27!

Nance said...

Shot right past Christmas to wish you a Happy New Year. May the year bring you comfort and joy.

Kathy said...

And to you and yours, Linda. I hope your Christmas was a very happy one and I wish you all the best for 2012.

Tracy said...

Linda, I am with you in regards to your comment on Linda's blog...I do not weigh myself so it's not a defeatest thought based on a number. I go by how my clothes fit...Have a blessed new year....

Deb Shucka said...

I hope your holidays were wonder-full and overflowing with love. Happy New Year!

Galen Pearl said...

Hope you had a lovely holiday season. Happy New Year! I look forward to continuing our blog friendship in 2012.