Sunday, April 8, 2012

Three dimensions!

That's how I'm seeing after my cataract surgery last Tuesday. In three dimensions!

I'd heard the colors would be brighter, which they are. But I hadn't realized the surgery would go a long way toward correcting the nearsightedness in my right eye. I'm looking out the window a lot these days. And when I walk in my neighborhood, I'm surprised by how much more light there is. I had no idea. I really thought that was just how it is in the Pacific Northwest!

I go for my one-week checkup in a couple of days. Then I'll be able to sleep without my patch on. And go from three kinds of eyedrops four times a day, to two kinds of eyedrops three times a day. A little less remembering.

Today we plant the peas. We have four raised beds in our garden, and this year one of them is just mine. I told my husband Art I'll plant what I want, and how I want, and if I stop paying attention to the garden and stuff doesn't do well, he can take over and do what he wants. Yesterday he planted peas harvested last year in his raised bed. I think they're GMO seeds, and if that's the case the pea plants will do fine but won't produce any pods or peas. Yesterday I went to the local nursery and bought a packet of heirloom peas for my bed. I'm thinking we'll be eating peas from my plants this year. I'm generous, though, so I'll share.


Nan said...

Isn't sharing our produce as wonderful as eating them?

DJan said...

Oh, that's wonderful news about the cataract surgery, Linda. And about your comment on the ridge hike: I didn't KNOW about those cliff magnets. Now I'll be unable to go again without thinking about them. I'll ask someone to hold me back... :-)

Happy Easter to you and yours!

Ms Sparrow said...

Glad to hear you're enjoying your enhanced vision and especially at this lovely time of the year!

Lynilu said...

Be careful while planting!!! Bending, stooping is dangerous following eye surgery!!

I know this is probably strange for me to say, but I'll be so glad to have cataract surgery for just the reasons you say. It sounds like it will be many years yet, so I guess I'd better rein in my horses!

Linda Myers said...

Whoops! Lynilu is right. Guess I'll need Art to be my laborer today.

Travels with Emma said...

Hmm... will you say "I told you so?" Of course those are the kind of peas I like. No pods and no peas. :)

Cheryl Kohan said...

We haven't planted anything, yet, but a friend of mine already has potatoes, onions, peas and two kinds of lettuce planted.

Sharing is good. :-)

How cool about the cataract surgery. I'm going to have to have that done one of these days, too. My doctor told me that I won't need my contact lenses, anymore...I can hardly wait!

Happy Easter!

Linda said...

I always admire a woman who knows her own mind. Glad the cataract surgery is going well. I've been waiting at least three years to get mine done but they seem to be progressing very slowing. I can still thread a needle with no problem so I guess I'll keep waiting. However, my day is coming.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

So happy to hear that your eye surgery went so well, Linda! Happy planting!

Out on the prairie said...

I love fresh peas and planted a pound of seed many years.

Muffy's Marks said...

Great news. The eye drops are a pain, but the time goes quickly. I had mine done last year, and have never regretted it. Now that I only wear readers, I have turned into a sunglasses hoarder. Can't get enough pairs... a color for every outfit! Good luck with the check up!!

Linda Reeder said...

It's good to know of the great results of your surgery. It's probably in my future too.
Tom planted peas the other day too. We haven't planted them for several years, but this year we expect to have grandkids come and eat them off the vine.

Grandmother Mary said...

Enjoy your new and beautiful world!

Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

Happy to hear that everything went well and you're getting benefit out of the surgery already. And it a major way it sounds like! I can't wait to have our house purchase approved (short sale) so we can move in and FINALLY have a garden. I don't even like peas and I'm still drooling at the thought of freshly grown veggies :-) Enjoy your planting season!

Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

*in a major way

Sally Wessely said...

I'm happy to hear you are progressing well with your eye surgery. I am amazed when people tell me that they hadn't realized how diminished their vision had become until after they have had cataract surgery.

Planting peas, and looking forward to eating them, sounds good to me.

Kathy said...

Linda, I'll be needing cataract surgery before too long and am also extremely short-sighted. This is such an encouraging post for me. Thank you.