Saturday, March 23, 2013

Slip sliding

When I spent the winter in Arizona I developed some new habits: fewer lattes, fewer meals out, more exercise. I resolved to bring those habits home with me; you know, things to do to feel as good as I did in the sun.

Today I felt not quite myself. I had a busy day: hosted a board meeting at my house in the morning, had surprise visits from two family members in the afternoon, took care of some financial paperwork. Still, I  felt a little off. I wondered if I was getting sick.

Then I realized I have consumed a box of Girl Scout cookies and two bowls of ice cream in the last three days, but minimal protein or vegetables. Plus, my swimming class on Friday was canceled due to inclement weather. Instead of walking two miles instead, I chose to have two lattes.

What on earth?

It's so, so easy to get back to old ways when I'm in the old place! Now that I see it, I can change it. Tomorrow!

On the good side, it's been lovely this week to have a St. Patrick's Day meal with family, have coffee with my business partner, find a water aerobics class I like, and weed the strawberry bed.


Olga said...

It is so easy to slip back into old habits. Sigh. Being aware of how you are cued into the usual routine by the usual environment should help. Good luck!

Arkansas Patti said...

Sadly our old habits are way more comfortable than the new healthy ones? I can relate all too well. Hope you are back on track soon.

Out on the prairie said...

I have went through 4 boxes of the GS cookies.MMMmmm I have a nice rain suit so go out in all weather,sometimes with the cold it is an additional challenge.

DJan said...

It sure is easy to slip back into old patterns, boy do I know that one! I do hope you get back on track so you can feel better, Linda. I stay away from the cookies, even though they look good I know one leads to another. :-)

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Clearly you had really been following your plan, so when you veered off-path you noticed the effects very quickly! That's a good lesson for people like me; I'm still working my way up the activity and eating-well scale. Kudos to you!

Ms Sparrow said...

Well, at least four boxes of Girl Scout cookies doesn't really amount to an awful lot of cookies! It sounds like you pulled yourself up short in a hurry. You are definitely on top of things.

Tom said...

Linda, you sound so much like a ... human being! I'm sure you'll be back on track before too long.

P.S. That reminds me, we have ice cream in the freezer!

Kathy said...

The story of my life, Linda. :-) Well done for spotting it so quickly.

Grandmother Mary said...

Good that you caught yourself so quickly.

#1Nana said...

There's no hope for me. I haven't been anywhere to develop any new habits and all my old ones are bad!

Friko said...

Tut tut!

It happens so easily, we just slip into old routines without thinking.

Wonder if I could change my chocolate habit?

Suzanne said...

I can track almost any "off" day back to one of three things; not enough water, not enough exercise, too much sugar!

Wouldn't it be nice if good habits were as easy to maintain as bad ones?

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

You are on to something here I think...but I might also take this chance to remind you to turn on ALL the lights!

We are coming home in a few weeks and it takes some adjusting to. The dark does not make us feel good.

Be well.


Galen Pearl said...

Yes, I find it easy to slip back into old habits, too. Barbara's comment offers additional insight. Since I spend the winter here, it seems very light to me now, but if I were coming from AZ it might not seem so bright.

Dee said...

Dear Linda, the title for your posting said it all! I so like that Simon and Garfunkle song and I am delighted with the new way you've used the title. Peace.