Monday, January 7, 2013

Driving to the sun

Four days, it took us, to drive from Seattle to Tucson. I did all the driving - 400 to 500 miles each day. We slept in Roseburg, Oregon at the home of our old friend Jeanne; in Reno at the home of our traveling friend Helen; in  Las Vegas at the home of new friends, Affordable Travel Club members Tom and Shirley. We ate at Burger King, Starbucks, Carls Jr and McDonalds during the day, and at more nutritious places in the evening.

The rain ended before we left Washington State. For most of the four days we drove in sunshine, and often with snow on the ground. Temperatures were in the teens to the low 40s. Traffic was light except  around Las Vegas and Phoenix. The miles were long but quiet.

We've left behind the rain, our familiar roads and markets and activities. We've arrived at sunshine, new roads, different stores and a host of new people, all of them friendly. Most people I met have been coming to this resort every winter for years. We wear badges to identify ourselves as residents for the activities. I feel new and a little shy.

I expect to do an exercise class three days a week in the morning, to join a handbells group and two discussion groups and a group for Mac owners. Art is interested in the exercise class, pickleball lessons and poker. We can be as busy as we want to be.

What kind of person am I during the winter in the sun? Where I'm not on vacation for a week or two, but living in this place for two months?


Out on the prairie said...

sounds like a nice place to play,I lived there from 74-78 when it was somewhat small still

Unknown said...

So happy your travel was safe and enjoyable! Sounds like your time in the sun will be great!

turquoisemoon said...

Boy it sounds wonderful to me!!! Keep us posted...

Ms Sparrow said...

Ahhhh! Enjoy!

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

Bob L. Said he would be down to visit. Where are you?

Olga said...

Gload to hear you had a safe trip. Enjoy the opportunity.

wheels4me said...

You will be the kind of person that gets to enjoy warm sunny days all winter long.

Tom said...

I was in Tucson last winter for a while -- nice place. And
I'm sure you'll make the most of your sojourn there -- you always do!

DJan said...

OH, it sounds wonderful! I am listening to the constant drip of rain outside, with more in the forecast ahead. In a few weeks I'll head to Florida for some much needed sunshine, but I look forward to hearing how you like it there, Linda. Glad you arrived safely. :-)

Kathy said...

Writing from a deeply overcast and damp Britain your sunshine sounds wonderful to me, Linds. Enjoy all the activities you have on offer

Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

Can't wait to hear how you enjoy Tucson in the winter! Our state is so beautiful I hope you get a chance to get out and do some exploring as well as have lots of down time to relax at the homestead.

Friko said...

Driving that many miles is only possible in the US, where the road are good and fairly free. You’d die here in the UK where all roads are cramped (even motorways) and horrendously busy.

Have a lovely time in the sun. I envy you.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

It sounds like you will be an active person. And you didn't mention line dancing. I love that idea, but I don't think there are any classes around here.

Linda Reeder said...

Once again I am reminded of how resourceful you are, getting free lodging as you travel. And now you are ready for fun in the sun. Show us some photos of your cabin so we can have a mind movie as we follow your adventures.

Hootin Anni said...

Hi...I wanted to stop by and say hello after I read your comment on DJanity's blog...the part of you living in Tucson. My husband and I first retired there and lived there for a decade. It's a great city. Miss my walks in Sabino Canyon. :o)

Grandmother Mary said...

Enjoy the sun, enjoy the activities, enjoy the new friends- it's like a new lease on life!

Sally Wessely said...

I'm so excited for you. This will be quite an adventure. I think you are going to love it.

Katherine Jenkins said...

That's sounds absolutely divine! I live in Seattle and am not retired, but sometimes I wish I were of retiring age because Arizona sounds so nice when the gray and rain sets in. Today is quite sunny in Seattle and we actually had some sun. I was in Las Vegas for Christmas and loved it. I'm writing 365 Inspirations over on my blog! All the best to you on your new adventure!

Galen Pearl said...

Wish you had stopped in Portland on your way down. Maybe you will on your way back north! In the meantime, sounds like you are going to have a sunny winter with lots of new friends. I look forward to hearing more about it.

The Odd Essay said...

I love Tucson and all it has to offer. Hope you do, too. And... you can be whoever you want to be... isn't that the joy of traveling?