It's been over a month and both of us are still healthy in our little place in Tucson. Here's what I'm learning:
1. I'm content indoors most of the time, since I spend a lot of time reading and on the computer. I have to have Alexa set the timer for half an hour or I would remain in my recliner for hours. I've set up a daily plan alternating "in the recliner" and "not in the recliner" activities.
2. I mostly like not having places to go. Usually I'm out and about, with activities and meetings, driving for half an hour to gathering places. Since we began sheltering in place, we've only needed one of our two cars.
3. I haven't volunteered at a shelter in over six weeks. The combination of a locked-up border and the risk of gathering during the time of coronavirus has shut down the shelter. I thought I would miss it, but I don't.
4. The idea of contact tracing sounds interesting, so I've filled out an application to help with that - either paid or as a volunteer - for Pima County, where Tucson is located. I would help at the food bank, but my age makes me part of the vulnerable population. I would help make masks, but I lent my sewing machine to a friend nearly 20 years ago and have not missed it once. I remember a line from a sonnet by John Milton, "They also serve who only stand and wait." Mostly I'm sitting and waiting, but I am willing.
5. There is no way I can persuade people in my community to do social distancing if they're not doing it now. I can just keep them off my porch. I have heard people say, "Well, this whole thing of sheltering in place is overkill. There isn't any virus in our little community." I want to say, "That's because MOST OF US ARE DOING IT." It doesn't seem to be related to a person's politics. They just want to be able to use the pools, or the pickleball courts, or the golf course, and they don't think it should be such a big deal.
6. On Friday I rode 30 miles on my e-bike. The bike rides are exercise but they are also a relief from the current restrictions. I don't mind wearing a mask. I ride with my good friend Ellen. Neither of us have been around anyone else for the last six weeks, and we observe social distancing with each other.
7. It's nice to have distractions: cancellation and rebooking of our bike-and-barge trip in the Netherlands and Belgium from May 2020 to June 2021; planning for a May trip to Washington to begin the basement remodel of our Brier house, set to be done this summer but dependent on the limitations of the virus.
8. My right hip would be bothering me whether I were sheltering in place or not. But it, too, sometimes keeps my mind off the limitations of sheltering.
9. I'm surprised at how normal it feels already to wear a mask, to stay six feet apart from people I meet on the street, to run Clorox wipes over surfaces anyone else has touched.
10. I'm grateful we have the resources to get through this without hardship.
One day at a time. This too shall pass. And all the other things we say.
Wednesday Musings - Big one time expenses coming
3 hours ago
Ditto! Only my ache has been my right arm. I’ve got one of those Velcro straps around my forearm and it seems to be helping. I’m not enjoying living in limbo, but I am grateful that we can comfortably stay in the compound. Dug out my sewing machine and am trying my hand at making masks. I really have no motivation to do anything. Stay safe my friend.
The "most of us are doing it" is akin to herd immunity-when most people are vaccinated against diseases. I'm very much hoping that when there is a vaccine for Covid-19, those who are dead set against vaccines will rethink their positions, however, I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not sheltering in place because I'm a healthcare worker. Being at the hospital comes with its own set of challenges, but I'm grateful that I am able to work. I have much respect for everyone who is adhering to social distancing, and hope you know that what you're doing is just as "essential" as what first responders, grocery workers, mail carriers, hospital staff and every other "essential worker" is doing.
I have been amazed to learn how dependent I am on other people being around to motivate myself to exercise. I've turned into a slug most days. Yesterday I barely emerged from my chair while I binge-watched for four hours! Glad you are staying safe and doing well during this time. It's always nice to hear from you. :-)
#10 for sure.
Staying at home has its advantages (no bra needed, two outfits are enough clothes, the fridge is close by), but I miss my family very much and if this virus goes on as long as some are saying (late 2021 -2022), I, and many others, will not do well.
You are surviving about as we are. We feel fortunate to be financially secure and have a home and garden that keep us occupied. Back issues ans sciatica have limited me more than I like, but when it calms down we can go for walks in the neighborhood, without masks, and work in our garden. We get together with friends via Zoom, and have been able to connect with our immediate family physically at a safe distance a few times.
I wish grocery shopping wasn't so much work, keeping everything safe and clean, but that is really a small problem considering what many people are dealing with. At least we can pay food food and prepare it. Some are going hungry. I donate to food banks.
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