Friday, September 8, 2023

A Few Little Things

I keep waiting for something to happen that calls for a blog post. Not a lot, it turns out. But several little things, I guess, are worthy of discussion.

  • One of my twin grandchildren, Kai, came to spend the weekend with us last month. They live in Spokane and are 23. For several years their job has required them to work some weekends, so their availability for a quick trip has been limited. They have a new job, though, with weekends off, so they came to Seattle on Friday night and went back home on Sunday late afternoon. I was concerned about driving in the dark to pick them up, but couldn't find a willing substitute. It turned out I missed the exit for the airport - after at least 100 trips over the last 20 years - and ended up in the next city over, on a detour, in the dark, with ridiculous traffic. Fortunately, the plane was late unloading passengers because they started standing up before the plane stopped at the gate and the flight attendants wouldn't let them get off until everyone had sat back down again. Next time I'll send younger eyes or spring for Lyft or Uber.

Kai came for a weekend visit a year ago and was very quiet, spending a lot of time in their room. This year, they talked from the time they got in the car at the airport until I dropped them back off two days later. We went to see "Barbie" - the first time I've been in a theatre in over four years - and Art and Kai and I played a party game called "Do You Know Me?" Such a fun time! I found out that Kai tells their friends I'm their "cool" grandmother.

  • Slow improvement in the rehab of my new knee. I've taken just three walks in my neighborhood because if it's over 68 degrees I get too sweaty after a mile, and I'm not a morning person who gets out there when it's cooler. I have, however, started walking up and down the stairs between our lower deck and the upper one. Twelve cedar stairs with railings. At first I had to cling to the railings to pull myself up. Now I just use them as balance aids. Three times up and down the stairs, twice a day. My physical therapist says that is better for strengthening my legs than just walking, so I'm encouraged. 

I had my final PT session this morning. I got a few more exercises to loosen up my hips and strengthen my core and glute muscles. But I walked into the clinic, and back out, without trekking poles or a cane or a limp !!!!!! 

  • My once-every-ten-years colonoscopy came and went last week. Four days on low fiber food, two days of liquid only, the miserable prep, and a good outcome. The next day I made our flight reservations to Tucson for November 14. The weather is still good here in the Seattle area, but I expect increasing clouds and rain to be coming soon, so we'll be heading for our sunny winter place. Fortunately, son James lives upstairs so there will be someone at our house all winter. We decided not to rent out our apartment this year because it's more convenient just to pack up and go without having to box up everything for a tenant. Besides, we paid off our mortgage two months ago - YAY! - so we have a bit of extra cash.
  • I'm the business manager for my son James' remodeling business, now three years old. I am still learning new things about laws and contracts. This has been a great bonding experience for all the household residents. 
It's the little things, you know. And I am, as usual, grateful for all of them.


Joanne Noragon said...

Well, that was plenty to post about. Years and years ago, in the eighties, I worked for a major construction company, Forest City Enterprises, here in Cleveland. They built apartment buildings, among other things. When they got to the top floor, they had a topping out party, including an evergreen tree. I called out the foreman for an explanation on that the first time. Does your so do that? Is it still done?

Celia said...

Glad read you are healing and will be spending the winter in a good place. Have fun!

Linda Reeder said...

I can't walk when it's sunny and warm either. I appreciated the cool days we had. Now I'll have to get out there a little earlier in the morning. I alternate with days on the stationary bike.
And yes, I count every trip up and down our stairs as exercise.:-)

Olga said...

The little things added up to an interesting glimpse into your life. Keep moving! It sounds as though you are making good progress.

Barbara Torris said...

Just checking up on you Linda. I am in Tucson from Oct. 15 to December 12. Then back in Tucson on Jan. 8. I have made plans to take a writing class through OLLI. I am glad your recovery is progressing. That is a good thing! See you soon hopefully.


dkzody said...

Hope you are doing okay...surprised you've not posted since early September. Hopefully you are getting settled into your winter home away from home.