Judy has a wonderful sense of style, and I am sadly lacking. She's built somewhat like me, so I'd asked before I got here if she'd help me find a few tops I could take to Eastern Europe later this month. She said, "I'm always up for shopping." So, on four days of the week, we went to a Muskoka-area town to eat lunch and then shop. We visited Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Huntsville. All delightful places. They kind of remind me of mid-coast Maine, where Art and I have traveled half a dozen times in the last ten years. And in each town I tried on clothes. Which, ordinarily, I hate. I'm about 50 pounds overweight and I always end up unhappy with how I look. But Judy found styles like those she wears and what I tried on looked quite good.
When we got home, Judy shortened two shirts, made me a shirt from a scarf (!), and cut off the sleeves of one item to make it into a long, open, sleeveless vest. The other two pieces were good as is. Plus, I bought a scarf that remains a scarf. I'll wear them all with the black capris I hang around in all summer.
Judy knows the fun places to eat lunch. Usually they're on the water, on one of the Muskoka lakes.
She's also a creative soul. I'd never seen her "people" until this week.
My favorite part of the week, though, has been the talking. Judy and I have talked. And talked. Whether a back and forth banter, or long stretches of a talker and a listener, it has been fabulous. I think we've talked at least five hours each day, maybe more. Judy's husband Ken says I'm easy to have around, so that's good. And I'm sure Art is relieved I'm getting all this conversation out of my system, so I can return home in a tranquil state of mind.
I fly home late tomorrow afternoon, rested and relaxed and grateful for my time here in Muskoka.
Good times!
Sounds great. You both had a wonderful time...
I am convinced that shopping should be a girlfriend outing--preferably with a girlfriend with style. (Oh, didn't mean that to sound sexist. I do know that there are men who are wonderful shoppers. I just don't know any personally.)
You're so fortunate to have found such a great friend at this stage of life! Good for you both! Sounds like a wonderful time all the way around.
What a great and generous friend. Altering clothes for you, even!
That's wonderful! It sounds like it was not only fun, but you also got several new outfits. She sounds like a good friend. :-)
Wow. She sounds like the perfect friend. Only my mother altered clothes for me! You should show us your new outfits. I'm glad you had this time.
I love love love time with my girl friends! My childhood BFF spent two weeks with us this July in BC. We often will visit her in Arizona in the winter! Great exchange, I have to say. Love the clothes alteration options! I think some pictures are in order......
What fun! And I love her people. They seem to have been made by someone who loves people (and who is crazy talented).
Sounds like a great week! It is so nice to have girlfriends and to be able to talk about anything and everything. I think that shopping is a necessary evil, so it is much more fun with a friend.
Sounds like you had a lot of fun. How nice that you friend knows how to put an outfit together too! I was very impressed with her alterations for you.
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